Soal Jawab Impuls, Momentum, Tumbukan (2) - Problem Solving Impuls, Momentum, Collisions (2)

Massa 16 g melaju dalam arah + x dengan kecepatan 30 cm/s, sedangkan massa kedua 4 g bergerak dalam arah - x dengan kecepatan 50 cm/s. Kedua massa itu bertumbukan dan sesudah tumbukan kedua benda tetap bersatu. Berapa kecepatan sistem sesudah tumbukan?

A 16 g mass is moving in the + x direction at 30 cm/s while a 4,0 g mass is moving int the -x direction at 50 cm/s. They collide head on and stick together. Find their velocity after the collision ?

Untuk melihat teori momentum & impuls; hukum kekekalan momentun; tumbukan, silakan buka masing-masing pembahasannya di Momentum & Impuls; Hukum Kekekalan Momentum ; Tumbukan

To view the theory of momentum and impulse; law of conservation of momentum; collision, please go to the respective discussion in Momentum & Impuls; Hukum Kekekalan Momentum ; Tumbukan

Penyelesaian :

Kita terapkan hukum kekekalan momentum terhadap sistem kedua massa tadi :

momentum sebelum tumbukan = momentum sesudah tumbukan

(0,016 kg)(0,3 m/s) + (0,004 kg)( - 0,50 m/s) = (0,020 kg)v

Perhatikan bahwa benda 4 g di sini memiliki momentum yang negatif. Hasil perhitungan v = 0,14 m/s

Let the 16 g mass be m1 and the 4 g mass be m2. Take the + x direction to be positive. That means that the velocity of the 4 g mass has a scalar value of v2x .

We apply the law of conservation of momentum to the system consisting of the two masses :

momentum before impact = momentum after impact

(0,016 kg)(0,3 m/s) + (0,004 kg)( - 0,50 m/s) = (0,020 kg)v

Notice that the 4 g mass has negative momentum. Hence v = 0,14 m/s (positif x direction).

Soal Jawab Impuls, Momentum, Tumbukan (2) - Problem Solving Impuls, Momentum, Collisions (2)